5 ways to tell if distance Reiki is working
If you’re not familiar with receiving distance Reiki sessions, then you may be wondering how it’s possible to tell if distance Reiki is working during a session. Here’s what to expect when you settle in for a session:
1). You experience body temperature changes – feeling chilled or warmer than usual is a sign that Reiki energy is flowing through your body, but rest assured your body temperature will return to normal by the end of your session. Dressing in layers or resting with a blanket during your session can help you stay comfortable.
2). You feel something like tiny effervescent bubbles or pleasant tingly warm sensations over your skins or in yoru body – which is a common sign of your body rebalancing itself, not unlike sensations experienced by people when they receive acupuncture. These sensations often come in waves as your body uses the Reiki energy to heal and rebalance the systems of the body and emotional / mental energy.
3). Aches and pains you already have become more pronounced – areas of pain and tension can become more uncomfortable temporarily before they subside. Reiki amplifies the healing time of painful and / or tense muscles, compressing the time it normally takes to heal. For example, if you commonly experience low back pain, you may find that a week’s worth of discomfort is compressed into a span of ten minutes before feeling better than it has in months.
4). Old emotions and unpleasant memories come to mind – but they’re often shadows of their former selves and with these comes new perspectives on your past that help re-frame and heal that which used to be sources of overwhelm, anxiety, or depression. If tears flow or you get the giggles, it’s a positive sign that energy is flowing to move these old patterns out of your body and mind.
5). You see images or “mini movies” in your mind’s eye – intuitive guidance often comes in the form of images, colors, geometric shapes, or short scenes similar to lucid dreaming, where you’re aware that you’re dreaming and have some control over what happens in the dream. I find this to be the most entertaining part of receiving distance Reiki and can provide insight into whatever physical or emotional/mental challenges you’re currently experiencing.
Try a Reiki session risk-free! Schedule your first Reiki session for free to give it a try. Email me at healthyfeetnbody@gmail.com to schedule your session or click here to book with me online